Kyle Torrence

Episode 16 Kyle Torrence— Jove’s Fiance!

Today, we are thrilled to welcome the talented, kind, and handsome Kyle Torrence—Jove’s fiancé—to episode 16 of Weddings-ish. Right off the bat, Kyle brings a smile to our faces by asking the question on everyone’s mind, "Who is watching the dogs?" Kyle, born and raised in Montgomery Village, Maryland, to Penny and Jim Torrence, comes from a wonderful family, including an older brother who is proudly serving in the military. Kyle fondly compares his father to Tim Waltz, highlighting the strong family ties he cherishes. A graduate of Watkins Mill High School, Kyle pursued his passion for performance at the Hartt School of Music in Connecticut, where he honed his incredible voice—a voice he often uses to serenade Jove during morning showers.

Jove and Kyle’s love story began on Tinder, where they recently redownloaded the app and discovered that Kyle had been the first to message Jove—a move he now proudly proclaims as "the best thing I ever did." At the time, Jove had just purchased his home on Fire Island, and the world was beginning to shut down in May when they started talking. Kyle, staying with dear friends and watching the show Normal People, found himself reflecting on past relationships, realizing that the show depicted everything he felt he had done wrong. This introspection led Kyle to vow to be more open about his feelings. He immediately told Jove that he wanted something serious, and luckily, Jove felt the same way. Kyle was done wasting time or just telling people what they wanted to hear; instead, he regained his power during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jove initially thought his time on Fire Island would be his "hoe phase," but that plan was quickly dashed. Instead he found himself firing his contractor and beginning rennovations himself and feeling lonely as the world shut down. Kyle recalls with humor,"If you were looking for a guy to help you renovate, I was the wrong guy to choose."

Their relationship took a significant step forward after Kyle went to IKEA for Jove, navigating a messed-up kitchen cabinet order in the middle of a global pandemic. After just two weeks of chatting, they had their first date on Fire Island. Despite missing the ferry, Kyle chartered his own 400-person ferry, arriving in grand style, complete with a big hat and all his bags ala Barbra Streisand. Jove’s neighbors couldn’t figure out what celebrity had arrived. As he stepped off the ferry, Jove, laughing and shaking his head, thought, "He’s a doer," and has been shaking his head in admiration ever since.

Their first date together was exploring the unique Sunken Forest on Fire Island, where Jove had planned their first kiss. Though park rangers interrupted their romantic moment to excitedly discuss fossils and the deer of Fire Island which Kyle encouraged to Jove’s frustration. The couple still managed to share their first kiss amid the natural beauty. What started as a weekend visit turned into something much more meaningful, as Kyle continued to come out to Fire Island. Both Jove and Kyle were supposed to be traveling—Jove to Italy and Kyle to Asia—but instead, they found each other. And, in a final twist of fate, it was their shared frugality that kept them on Tinder’s free version, leading to a love story neither could have predicted.

The couple has been together for 4.5 years, and Kyle’s proposal to Jove was a complete surprise—something Jove never expected. Kyle had been waiting for Jove to propose, but after 1.5 years, he realized he wanted to take the initiative himself. By the 3.5-year mark, Kyle felt inspired to plan the proposal, especially after talking with Jove’s best friend, Rachel, who explained how meaningful and special it would be for Kyle to plan something for Jove since Jove is usually the planner in all relationships. Jove had been struggling with the idea of proposing because Kyle had once shared a very specific vision for his proposal in the peasant village of Versailles, one that seemed nearly impossible to execute without Kyle catching on. Jove became so focused on fulfilling Kyle’s dream that he didn’t realize Kyle was planning a surprise of his own.

“I didn’t need Versailles.”

Kyle on taking the proposal into his own hands.

Kyle was energized and excited about planning this surprise for Jove, which involved a trip to Palm Springs where their families would meet for the first time during Christmas. Jove was very worried about his family—lovely, but unpredictable and chaotic—all living together in a house for a week, and he was incredibly nervous. Kyle sought recommendations from Jesse Tombs, chose Korakia Pensione as the venue, and worked with their friend and photographer Amber Gress, who recommended an amazing florist. He even worked with a spectacular caterer. Kyle meticulously planned everything down to the plates and even hired a chef, joking that “Kyle Torrence Events is coming in 2025!”

Photography by Amber Gress

Kyle was so nervous that Jove might find out about the proposal, especially when Jove’s uncle nearly ruined the surprise by congratulating him prematurely, which Kyle had to quickly cover up. The proposal planning began with the ring, with the help of Kyle’s best friend, Ali Kornhauser, an incredible stylist, who was in Australia at the time, staying near Seb Brown’s jewelry store. Seb had a ring in mind that he had kept in the back, and as soon as Kyle saw it, he knew it was the one for Jove. Carrying the ring to Palm Springs terrified him.

On the morning of the proposal, Jove’s parents were supposed to pretend to leave Palm Springs but they got packed up too early and were awkwardly sitting around. Kyle’s parents were set to take Jove and Kyle to a beautiful brunch as a gift, with the location kept secret from Jove. However, Jove was feeling deathly ill and didn’t want to go. His parents awkwardly waited around the house, unsure of where to go, while Jove tried to convince Kyle to go to brunch with his family without him. Jove, still feeling sick, tried to wear shorts and a t-shirt, but Kyle insisted he change into something more appropriate. Jove was so out of it that he didn’t piece together what was happening.

Kyle, trying to keep the surprise, refused to tell Jove where they were going. By mistake, Jove’s family had parked in front of the hotel, so Kyle had to lead him around the back of the property, which wasn’t exactly scenic. The car ride was tense, with Kyle unusually quiet and visibly shaking, making it the “most awkward three minutes” of their relationship. When they arrived at a dirt road leading to a metal gate, Jove, still not understanding what was happening, started to get a bit "bitchy."

Photography by Corbin Gurkin

Kyle was upset that he didn’t have a ring after Jove's proposal. He was tempted to immediately buy a ring himself and even considered sending Jove a Venmo request, but he showed restraint. Without a ring, Kyle didn’t fully feel engaged and was keen on getting one as soon as possible, but Jove wanted Kyle to feel as special as he did. He told Jove that he didn’t need a grand gesture like Versailles; he just wanted his ring. When the couple visited the Deer Mountain Inn, Kyle was disappointed he didn’t get his ring although Jove had bigger plans up his sleeve. Jove, planned a special surprise by taking Kyle to the MET opera, a place he loves dearly. Jove had called his friend Melanie, who works at the Met Opera, and she arranged for a private experience before the performance of Romeo and Juliet.

Jove wanted to look stunning for the occasion, so he reached out to designer Jackson Wiederhoeft for a fitting outfit, knowing Kyle always dresses impeccably. Jove doesn’t own any black, so he needed something that matched Kyle’s level of chicness. Kyle came home from work without much time to get ready. He walked in to find Jove adorned in ostrich feathers. Kyle, already stressed and upset, thought they should have had two looks prepared. Jove, in full couture and makeup, had arranged everything meticulously so there was no time to spare. Jove called the dry cleaner and made sure Kyle had his suit. Despite the tension, they made it on time. Melanie came out and guided them to a private area where everyone was hiding.

The Met was private for 26 minutes, creating a cherished memory for Kyle every time he visits. Friends and family were present, making it a deeply special occasion. However, Kyle never wants to see the peacock pants Jove wore again, despite the most amazing meal and private photos with Corbin Gurkin on stage. The whole group got to enjoy one of Kyle’s favorites, Nadine Sierra singing at the Met Opera.

For Kyle, it meant a lot to be proposed to, especially in a world where they weren’t raised seeing happy, loving relationships between two men. Kyle emphasized the importance of listening to your partner when planning a proposal and tailoring it to their desires. His favorite part of Jove’s proposal was when they were holding hands during Nadine Sierra’s performance, feeling how much they loved each other. Jove’s favorite moment of his proposal was when everyone gathered together, and he could see the love in the room while Kyle said all the words he was too nervous to share during his proposal. Despite all the anticipation and planning, the unexpected moments of love were what truly mattered.

You can read more about their engagement in Brides, Vogue, Wed Vibes, or check out their dream registry on Over the Moon!

Sloan joins Jove for the "Ask Jove" segment, where they discuss NYE weddings!



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